Link to NHS guidelines on the COVID-19 virus please visit

Covid-19 (Corona Virus) is hard to avoid, its all over the media. I want to reach out to our clients new and old to let you know what we’re doing at Red Top Electrical to help protect you during this time of uncertainty.

 Red Top Electrical will be open for business as usual, however we have made some changes to the way we operate.

What we’re doing

We will make sure all hygiene procedures are followed while working before attending any job, an assessment form will be sent to you to fill in and return (Remotely). This will take no longer than 3-5 minutes. Between all jobs, hands will be washed and tools wiped over with disinfectant wipes.

We are asking anyone who is self isolating or is i’ll to please postpone work until you are better.

If possible, client contact will be kept to a minimum (please read below as to how we can do this). In the event of an electrical emergency and the client is in isolation or is unwell, we have masks, gloves and disinfectant meaning we can still help you. This is under emergency circumstances only and regular work should be rearranged.

We will stick to our pricing structure and will not up our prices to “cash in” on this situation Red Top Electrical now offer 15% discount to all NHS staff (regardless of position) to say thank you for all the hard work they do. This discount will be in place from now on and indefinitely (Proof will be needed).

Elderly/Vulnerable essential grocery delivery available with every booked job (subject to shop availability)

Client contact will be kept to the bear minimum.

To do this here are some of the ways this can be achieved:

We can communicate with the client via phone, text and email.

We can price work from photos.

With your permission, we can let ourselves in and out of properties.

Any and all relevant paperwork is sent to the client electronically.

Payment for the electrical work is done electronically.

We send you an invoice and you use your own phone/laptop to pay.

We hope our measures can help during this difficult time and that everyone remains safe and healthy!



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